To get started with this guide, create a new Whales project.

  1. Run whales new lec8-demo rails-decal/instagram.

    You'll get an error about missing gems. That's okay — we'll install them next.

  2. Run whales run bundle install. This should take care of your missing gems.

  3. In the bash-4.4$ prompt that follows, run rails db:create to get your database started.

  4. Type Ctrl-D after this finishes to exit the bash prompt.

Now, run whales server to start up your project. You'll run into a migration error, but run rails db:migrate to fix that.

Now, check out app/controllers/posts_controller.rb and try making a Faraday request with the information inside of @post.

Need help? Check out our reference on Faraday:

Using Faraday for API's Guide