Blueprint Infosession

How do I find about clubs at Berkeley? ⛺

Click on the bookmarks for more information.

r/berkeley — Pinned in the subreddit is a megathread of clubs that are recruiting! You can browse it to find tons of student experiences (and complaints and more, so venture safely and with a grain of salt).

r/berkeley — A student-made resource with a masterlist of clubs at Cal based on the university's database of registered orgs (on CalLink). Named 'Sproul' after the plaza on campus where clubs usually set up camp to flyer.

EE/CS Welcome Week — A Facebook page managed by the EE/CS department to help freshmen and transfers navigate resources and orgs. Check out the Events tab to see tons of upcoming infosessions, socials, and other events.

EE/CS-at-Cal Welcome Week

Design at Berkeley — An open community established this Fall that aims to make design more accessible at Cal. Their Resources page shares lots of clubs, courses, DeCals, articles, and advice for designers of all levels!

Design at Berkeley

Navigating design resources at Berkeley — A Medium article published by Berkeley Innovation (a human-centered design consulting org) that highlights courses (by interest), programs, and clubs.

Navigating design resources at Berkeley

Universal Education Resources ✏️

Here are some good resources to finding educational resources at Cal. These may vary from tutoring, research, career opportunities, etc.

CSM — A student-run organization that provides excellent small-group mentorship and resources for a variety of lower-division CS courses. You can earn a credit for being a mentee!

Computer Science Mentors

EOP STEM — EOP provides support and resources for low income, first generation, and underrepresented students. Check out their STEM office for 1-on-1 support, leadership opportunities, and guidance.

EOP STEM - Educational Opportunity Program

Cal NERDS — Cal NERDS is a program that provides resources like advising, study space, grad school application coaching, poster-printing, food pantry, 3-D printing, coding workshops for students from non-dominant backgrounds.

Home | Cal NERDS

OCF — While you might not be able to access the physical facility's computers, printers, and more this semester, OCF has tons of online services like web and email hosting, shell accounts, software mirrors, and their own Linux Sysadmin decal.

Open Computing Facility at UC Berkeley

Career Center — UC Berkeley's Career Center has tons of online workshops, interview practice, career exploration, and resume/CV resources. They also hold a variety of career fairs throughout the semester, even online.

UC Berkeley Career Center | Career Center

Jacobs Institute Student Resources — Though you can't visit the design institute's building right now, you can find design advising, courses, and more on their website. Sign up for their student community mailing list to get info right to your inbox.

Student Resources

Handshake — A recruiting platform by the UC Berkeley career center that connects studnets and alumni with hiring companies. You can also check out Handshake's resource tab!


CS and Tech Club Culture at Cal 🐻