Installing Active Storage

To start using Active Storage, you need to run a command in our Whales terminal to create the tables that Rails will use to keep track of your attachments:

rails active_storage:install

Psst... this creates a migration. Make sure to run them after!

Configuring Active Storage

Head into config/storage.yml and drop the following configuration into it — this is our Amazon S3 bucket, which your files will go into on upload:

  service: S3
  access_key_id: AKIAJD2BGWTLG35SIRNA
  secret_access_key: UdJED8qTNm+rAhA4LPi+q3AD0a49azPZsTHw1KXu
  region: us-west-2
  bucket: rails-decal-demo

Next, jump into config/environments/development.rb and edit this line (should be set to :amazon instead of :local:

- config.active_storage.service = :local
+ config.active_storage.service = :amazon

Add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'aws-sdk-s3'

And run bundle install in your terminal.

You will need to restart your Rails server at this point.

Adding an attachment to our Post

Allowing files to be attached to models is surprisingly easy. We can simply specify the following inside of app/models/post.rb:

has_one_attached :photo

Because files are stored on a database table that Rails manages, this change will only affect our model and not our schema/migrations.

Accepting the attachment in our save parameters

One quick thing we'll have to adjust in our scaffold is allowing the photo as a new parameter in our form (which we'll add below).